
Article by Craig Williams

I’m currently the father of a 16-year-old son and a 11 year-old daughter. I have really been fascinated by observing everything they have done in their lives since they were born. Things really got interesting as soon as they could walk because they started to have some control of where they could go. There are times when I would see my son do something that could go south very quickly if I did not intervene. You see, my son was a climber. Anything he saw, he would climb it. He had no fear. Having no fear meant he did not understand the potential danger of his actions. Many times, I would have to tell him what he could not do for his own safety, but my son would still disobey some of the things I would tell him. It can get frustrating, but it’s not until these moments that I started to get more of a connection to our Heavenly Father.

In the Bible there are many parables that illustrate the Heavenly Kingdom with earthly stories to help us understand it better. I find being a father as a parable of our God being our Father. I would compare being a father like God, and our children representing all of God’s children. As a child of God, are we any different than our own children?

Just as I illustrated earlier about observing the actions of our children, God is also observing us. God sees everything we do. God does warn us about the dangers that He sees in our lives and He knows all. It is very similar to how we use our own life experiences to help guide our children. I don’t know if God gets frustrated to the same level as we as fathers would get dealing with our own children, but I would understand if He did. Remember that God has all the answers to any problems we may have. It may not be the answer we would like to hear but it is the correct one.

Too many times, we often do our own thing if we don’t like the answer we hear. God knows we will fail if we don’t follow His direction. This is very similar to knowing when our children will fail if they don’t take instructions from us. Keep in mind, when we see our children struggling to follow our lead, just remember to ask ourselves the following question: Are we following the lead that God has provided for us?


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